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Santa Claus' face is shown leaning into the card from the left; he has a long white beard and is wearing a red cap. There are some holly sprigs caught in his beard, and printed in the lower right is the greeting "A Merry Xmas to You!"

The card shows Santa Claus' head, thrown back in laughter - teeth showing and mustache curling. At the bottom is a small inset of him delivering toys with a greeting next to it. The only words taht can be made out are "The Year 1911".

Santa Claus is shown from his chest upward; he is wearing a red coat and hat trimmed in brown fur. Perched on his heat and pecking at his beard and hat tassel are three bluebirds. The poem reads: "Merry Christmas! / The Bluebirds help old / Santa…

Santa Claus is shown from the chest up, wearing a red coat and hat. The bottom of the card contains the poem "Wishing you / Sweet Christmas cheer / Enough to last / The whole New Year".

Santa Claus is dressed in a long red hooded coat and has a bag of toys on his back, with more toys at his belt. The card is decorated with a large holly decoration, ribbon of ringing bells, and gold border.

Santa Claus is seen inside a rectangular portrait. garnishing that portrait are bushels of holly among holly berries. Underneath the portrait, lies a banner that reads :a jolly Christmastide". Underneath the banner the sentence "may Santa Claus bring…

Inside a pentagonal portrait, Santa Claus is seen smiling and holding a bushel of holly. Below the portrait the phrase "if you can wish a better Christmas than the one I am wishing for you- may it be yours" can be read.

In a diamond-shaped portrait, Santa Claus is seen with several toys. Decorating the portrait are five purple flowers and a blue and white ornate design. On the middle left-hand side of the card is the phrase "xmas greeting". Below, in the the bottom…

In a circular picture, Santa Claus is seen smiling. Surrounding him, are bushels of holly, covered in ice and snow. On the bottom left-hand side of the postcard reads the phrase "may joy and happiness fill your heart this Christmas day".

Santa Claus is seen within a portrait. Around him are bushels of holly, holly berries, and bells. On the top of the postcard, there is a snowy mountain view. On the bottom of the notecard, the phrase "a joyous Christmas" is printed.
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