Pictured inside a golden bell decorated with holly, Santa Claus is smoking a pipe while stuffing a small white stocking. The card reads "Babies Delight" across the bell's bottom, and the background is a snowy field with evergreen trees.
Santa Claus is stuffing a pair of shoes into a stocking while smoking a pipe. He is pictured on a golden bell that is decorated with holly and the phrase "Papa's Delight". The card's background is a snowy field with a setting sun.
Santa Claus, dressed in his red suit, is smoking a long-stemmed pipe with smoke rising from it. Above him is a decoration of evergreen branches and pine cones. "Christmas Wishes" is printed at the bottom.
Santa Claus' head and shoulders are inside a holly wreath inset into the card. He has a bag of toys on his back and is holding a candy cane. The card's background is textured gray and the message at the bottom reads "Joy to your household, and Peace…
Two people, who appear to be women, are leaving church down the snow-covered road. Above the inset is a small oval with Santa Claus smoking a pipe. The card is decorated with holly and gold and reads "A Merry Christmas" near the bottom.
The main scene depicts a family of three headed up a path to go to church; the moon in shining above the trees behind it. A small rectangular inset to the bottom left shows Santa Claus smoking a pipe. The card is decorated in holly and has a band of…
Santa Claus, dressed in his traditional red suit with holly around his cap, is smoking a pipe. Printed at the bottom is the greeting "May Santa Claus be Good to you."
Santa Claus is shown from the waist up, dressed in his traditional red suit with a cap rimmed in holly. He is grinning as he holds a kind of fancy pipe in his left hand. "A Happy Christmas To You" is printed in the space to the right.
Done in a cartoon-like style, Father Christmas is shown striding off to the right of the card while two children watch behind a fence. Father Christmas is wearing a long brown coat, carrying a bag and tree and smoking a pipe. The children, a boy in…
Father Christmas and two children, a boy and a girl, are pictured on the right side of the card. Father Christmas is dressed in a long tan coat and blue hat with a bag of toys and walking stick, smoking a pipe while gesturing with one hand. The…