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There is an evergreen wreath in the center of the card, and inside it is Father Christmas in a blue hat and coat. He carries a bag in his left hand and a brunette doll dressed in pink in the other. The background is a snowy village scene, and the…

Father Christmas is wearing a deep blue coat and a red hood. On his back he has a bag of toys, with a horse and doll visible. To his left, he carries a tree and a church can be seen in the background. The border of the card is gold and evergreen on a…

There is an oval inset to the right of the card, surrounded by holly, that features Father Christmas. He is wearing a brown coat and hat, has a basket of toys on his back, and carries an evergreen under his right arm. There is a poem to the left…

The card features an oval inset of Father Christmas to the right. He is wearign a red coat and a holly-adorned brown hat. He is also laden with brightly colored toys like dolls, a trumpet, and a drum. The left side of the card is covered in holly and…

The upper part of the card depicts Santa Claus in his red suit with a crown of holly seated at a small table. He pats his belly with one hand and raises a goblet in a toast with his other. In front of him is a large metal bowl and spoon. Two…

The card is printed in black and white. The left side depicts Father Christmas looking down a chimney, shaking one finger, with a basket on his back. "Joyeaux Noel" is printed beneath him. The right side of the card is a photograph of a smiling girl,…

Santa Claus peaks into the window of a sleeping child's room. The child is asleep underneath white covers and wears a white sleeping cap; the bedframe is wooden and the wallpaper has pastel flowers on it. The poem printed across the bedspread reads:…

Santa Claus' face peaks into a plain white-rimmed window. He has a full beard and a red cap, and on his back is a bag ful of toys and holly. The poem at the bottom reads, "I'll be there to-night, / So turn down the light. / Hang up your stockings /…

The card, drawn in a cartoon-like style, depicts Father Christmas in a long tan button-up coat. He carries a decorated Christmas tree over his left shoulder and with his right hand pulls a yellow sled with packages on it behind him. There is an inset…

Two little girls, one wearing a red coat and the other wearing a blue coat, putting their letters that they wrote into St, Nicks mailbox. There is snow on the ground, on the window, on the tree, and on top of the mailbox. Father Christmas, wearing…
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