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Santa Claus Climbs Ladder
Santa Claus is dressed in his iconic red suit and hat. He has a green and yellow striped scarf wrapped around his waist, a basket of gifts on his back, and a messenger bag slung over his shoulder. He is climbing a brown ladder that has been propped…
Tags: English, ladder, Santa Claus, snow
Santa Claus Peeks Out of Chimney
Santa Claus is wearing his iconic bright red suit and cap. You can only see the top half of his person in this postcard, as he is situated halfway inside of someone's chimney. The chimney itself is composed of red bricks, and there is snow covering…
Tags: chimney, English, Grin, Santa Claus, snow
Santa Claus Leaves a Trail of Toys
Santa Claus is wearing his iconic red suit, red cap, and black boots. He is walking around in a thick cover of snow. He is presumably on someone's rooftop, as you can see a chimney situated next to as well as on another house in the distance. He…
Tags: chimney, English, Santa Claus, snow, toys
Santa Claus Peers Down Chimney
Santa Claus is dressed in his iconic red suit and cap. He is standing on a rooftop in the dark of the night. He peers down into the chimney, as if mentally preparing himself to travel down it. The moon in the sky has a human face and grin, the stars…
Tags: chimney, English, holly, Santa Claus
Santa Claus Points at Chimney
Santa Claus is wearing his iconic red suit and cap. He is standing on the rooftop of somebody's home, which is covered in a thick layer of snow. He is carrying an overflowing bag of toys on his back, a decorated Christmas tree, as well as a small…
Father Christmas Stuffs Chimney
Father Christmas is dressed in a red suit and hat with green gloves. He is standing over a red brick chimney, lowering a toy train into it. In his left hand he holds a bag with a doll and American flag sticking out of it. The card's background is…
Tags: chimney, Father Christmas, holly, train
Santa Claus with Bag and Sled
Santa Claus is dressed in a red suit. He is hauling a bag of toys onto his back from where it had been sitting on a brown sled. Snow is falling and there is a house in the background. The border at the top contains holly, bells, and the words…
Tags: bells, holly, Santa Claus, sled, snow
Santa Claus Drops Ball on Roof
Santa Claus is dressed in a red suit and hat. He has packages under both arms, and has dropped a ball from one, which he tries to catch with his foot. There is a chimney to the right of him in the roof, and his sleigh in the background. The border at…
Tags: ball, chimney, Gifts, roof, Santa Claus
Santa Claus Descends Chimney
Santa Claus is dressed in a red suit with black trim. He has a bag of toys on his back and is stepping from the snow-covered roof into a red brick chimney. There is snow falling around him. The border across the top contains bells, holly, and the…
Santa Claus Goes Down Chimney
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Item #1429: "Santa Claus Descends Chimney"
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Santa Claus Descends Chimney
Roseliep Christmas Postcard Collection
Roseliep, Raymond
Tags: bag of toys, bells, chimney, holly, roof, Santa Claus