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Father Christmas, dressed in a long blue coat and cap, carries a bag of toys with some attached to the outside on his back as he steps into a brick chimney. Printed on the right side of the card is "Christmas Greetings." There is a handwritten…

Father Christmas is in a long red coat and hat. He climbs a set of snow-covered stairs with wooden rails. On his back is a basket of toys; in one hand he holds a doll, and in the other his walking stock. There is a country house in the background,…

Father Christmas is dressed in a long red robe and wearing a red cap. He is carrying a tree on his back and is toting around a bag of gifts. The postcard primarily depicts the living room of two young children. The front door is open and the children…

Father Christmas is dressed in a long red robe and hood. He is standing in the snow under a sky full of stars alongside three angel women. The angels are all dressed in pastel dresses, have large white wings, and are carrying a long scroll in their…

Set against a gray background, Father Christmas in white is cracking a whip at the white reindeer pulling his red sleigh. A girl in yellow is seated in front of him, and a Christmas tree is also loaded on the sleigh. There is a holly decoration to…

In the center of the card, Father Christmas in a tan hooded coat cradles baby Jesus in his arms. The background includes a snow-covered tree. The inset is surrounded by holly and the bottom reads "All Good Wishes for Christmas."

Father Christmas is dressed in a long brown hooded robe and appears to be barefoot; he also wears no gloves. His right hand carries a walking stick. With his left arm, he hugs a snowy evergreen to him. He is standing on a snowy path that leads to a…

Father Christmas dressed in a long, red robe is cutting down a small, fragile Christmas tree. He has a bag of toys on his back. The top of the card says, "Christmas Greetings."

Father Christmas is dressed in a long, blue robe with a basket of toys on the ground behind him. He is cutting down a Christmas Tree with a sparce amount of needles on it. Two children hide in the bushes in front of him wathcing as he does this. The…

Father Christmas is wearing his red robe as he cuts down a tree in the snow. He has a bag of toys on his back. He is holding the tree in his left hand and in his right hand he is holding the saw. The sun is setting behind him. "Christmas Greetings"…
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