Loras Digital Collections

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Father Christmas stands in a rich purple coat and hat with brown trim. He is holding an assortment of brightly wrapped packages in his arms, as well as a tree. The loosely-hanging green package reads "Merry Christmas."

Father Christmas is dressed in a maroon coat and hat with brown trim and a sprig of holly in the fold. In his right hand he is holding a golden-haired girl doll, dressed in light blue. From his left dangles a small golden pouch. On his left shoulder…

The card has three main components situated on a blank background: Father Christmas, a snowy farm scene, and a greeting message. The greeting in blue, red, and black at the bottom reads "I wish You / All You wish / Yourself / this Christmastide."…

The background of the card is brown. In the middle is an oval with Father Christmas in the center. At the bottom of the oval are holly branches, and above it reads "A Merry Christmas". Inside the icicle-bordered oval, Father Christmas in a light…

In the middle of a snowy scene stands Father Christmas. He is clad in a purplish-red hooded coat with white trim. He is carrying a toy elf in his right hand, and has a sling of other colorful gifts in front of him. On his back he carries a brown bag.…

In the middle of a brown frame, Father Christmas wears a purple hooded coat and carries a lighted and decorated tree. In the bottom right of the frame are two small figures- a yellow joker figure and a blonde-haired girl in a blue dress. Outside the…

The card's border is purple swirls with holly in the bottom left. Taking up about 2/3 of the upper portion of the card is a rectangular scene featuring Father Chrsitmas. He is wearing a purple hooded coat. In his right hand he carries a branch…

The card's border is light purple with a spring of holly along the bottom. The rectangular scene in the center contains Father Christmas. he is wearing a purple coat and pointed hat. In his left arm he cradles a small snow-dusted Christmas tree and…

The card's border is light and dark purple with holly in each corner. The scene in the center contains Father Christmas. He is wearing a purple coat and pointed hat. In his left arm he cradles a small snow-dusted Christmas tree and holds a brown bag.…

The main scene is a thin, centered rectangle featuring Father Christmas. He is dressed in a purple coat and hat, carrying a tan bag on his back, and bending down to pick up a basket of toys. In the basket are a doll, trumpet, ball, and other bright…
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