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Le Roy Loemker is shown leaning against the wall of a narrow underground passage in an un-named cavern. He is holding a small, shiny rock, and is dressed in dirty coveralls and a long sleeved shirt. The number 2200 is written on a label that has…

Many small, mostly dark colored stalactites may be seen hanging from the roof of a cave passage. Lighter colored stalagmites protrude from the floor in the center of the image. The number 2207 is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower…

Numerous stalactites of various sizes may be seen hanging from the roof of a cave. The photographer’s notes indicate that the cave is located “near Dubuque.” A partially visible number is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left…

Two young men, dressed in long sleeved shirts, caps and heavy coveralls, are seated on rocks beside a hole in the ground. Their legs are dangling in the cave entrance. Based on the photographer’s notes for LO 253, the man on the left is probably…

The arched, stone entrance to a lime kiln is visible in this image. The kiln appears to have been built into the side of a hill, in a location identified by the photographer as being near Durango, Iowa. Limestone rocks have been piled above and…

This image is similar to LO 247, and shows a steam shovel dropping gravel into a large hopper. Two trucks are near the hopper. A Chicago and Geat Western Railroad car is partially visible in the background. Two small sheds may be seen near the…

A steam shovel is shown emptying gravel into a large hopper. A railroad car, and a large pile of gravel are visible near the shovel. Under the hopper, a truck is waiting for its bed to be loaded. Other trucks may be seen nearby. A railroad track may…

A large piece of road paving equipment dominates this image. The machine is resting on a graded road foundation. A scoop partially filled with gravel extends from the front of the machine. A man holding a shovel may be seen standing near the scoop.

The photographer’s notes indicate that this scene is the Maquoketa River, and was taken near Durango, Iowa. An iron bridge is visible, spanning the slow-moving stream.

This stream and tree-covered bank are identified by the photographer as the Maquoketa River. A large log may be seen resting on a boulder in the middle of the stream.
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