Loras Digital Collections

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Florence, Leroy and Evelyn Loemker are standing in front of a partially visible brick home. The women have short hair and are wearing light colored print dresses, white stockings and black shoes. Leroy is dressed in a three piece dark suit and…

The photographer's notes indicate that the first name of the young man in this image was Kenneth. Kenneth Loemker was The Reverend Loemker's third oldest son. Kenneth is carefully dressed in a dark suit, white shirt and dark tie, shiny dark shoes,…

Two older girls are seen standing together on some wooden steps leading to a porch. They are both dressed in black dresses, black tights and shoes and have black bows in their hair. The taller girl is holding a china doll dressed in a long dress. The…

This image is identical to LO 179. However, the label on the slide is labeled “Herman Voltz Hochzeit.” Hochzeit is the German word for wedding. The number 1300 is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left corner of the slide.

The bride, groom and another man and woman are shown standing on the alter steps in the front of a church sanctuary. Immediately behind the individuals may be seen an archway decorated with a large paper bell, white ribbons and bows. A large, open…

Taken from a slightly different angle, this image shows the same group of pageant participants who may also be seen in LO 177. The number 1329-1 is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left corner of the slide.

This image shows a group of approximately thirty five young adults and children dressed in costumes and portraying a traditional Christmas pageant. They are posing on the steps of the alter area in a church. The photographer indicates that this image…

The label on this image in written in German script. A group of twenty nine men and one woman are seated and standing in front of a partially visible white, frame building. Another label on the image reads” F. W. Klaus, Delegat. Chas. Preiffer,…

This images appears to be identical to image LO 174. The photographer’s notes indicate that this image was of attendees at the Sunday School Convention Eastern District May 24-27, 1915. The number 2710 is written on a label that has been stuck to…

A large group of men, women are gathered on concrete steps and a grassy bank. The end of a brick and stone building is partially visible behind the group. This structure is probably the Academy of the Immaculate Conception, located at 17th and Iowa…
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