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The photographer’s notes indicate that the structure in this image is a “Woodpile like African House.” A low, circular mound of vertically-stacked logs of similar sizes is visible. The mound of wood appears to have been built on bare ground on…

Two young men and an older man, all dressed in dark suits, are seated at desks and work tables in a small office. One of the younger men is holding a cigar and writing in a large ledger, while the other young man is holding a pipe and seated at a…

Two older girls are seen standing together on some wooden steps leading to a porch. They are both dressed in black dresses, black tights and shoes and have black bows in their hair. The taller girl is holding a china doll dressed in a long dress. The…

Two women and one man are standing behind wood and glass cases filled with baked goods. Additional bakery items are visible on shelves behind the man, and rolls of wrapping paper hanging on a metal stand may be seen on the counter near him. Several…

Three frame buildings and a small brick building are visible in the view looking north along the unpaved Main Street of Sherrill, Iowa. The brick building is the local bank. An automobile has been parked on the side of the street near one of the…

This view looks south along Main Street in Sherrill, Iowa. The street is unpaved. A small brick building is directly across from the camera. The work “BANK” has been inscribed in the stone door frame. A large brick church with a tall steeple is…

According to the photographer’s notes, this image was taken “looking northwest towards Buena Vista, Iowa.” The waters of the Mississippi River are visible, as are houses, railroad tracks and a railroad trestle.

View of the city of Dubuque looking east towards the Mississippi River. According to the photographer, the image was taken in 1916 in the vicinity of 19, West 15th Street. The number 1260-b is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left…

The small community of Durango, in Dubuque County, Iowa is shown nestled at the base of a bluff. The image was taken from an elevated location, probably on another bluff above the railroad tracks, which are visible in the foreground. Several homes,…

Taken from the residential district on the bluffs above the city, this image captures a view of the factory district of Dubuque, Iowa. The tall spire of the Dubuque County Courthouse may be seen. Also visible in the distance are the bluffs on the…
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