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Santa Claus is emptying a basket of toys onto the ground. Above is a sprig of holly, and in the corners are some small stars. The background is blank.

Reversed image of 203_042.

Santa Claus in a green coat and a jovial mood, is cheerfully dumping a bag of fruit and things into a trapdoor in the ground. It is snowing, and there are houses in the background.

Santa Claus is taking toys from a sack. Behind him, a little girl peeks through a curtain. The entire picture is chocolate brown over a white backdrop.

Santa is Bursting out of the fireplace to deliver a Christmas tree to a little girl. The girl is excited and is reaching for the tree.

Santa Claus in a blue coat is hanging a gingerbread ornament on a Christmas tree. It has other ornaments and candles. He has a bag of toys beside him. the scene is outlines in silver with holly leaves.

Santa Claus is standing with a bag of toys and a Christmas tree. He is apparently asking a small brown rabbit for directions, and the creature is pointing towards a distant village. There is a forest in the background.

Santa is climbing through the window to bring a sleeping girl gifts. He is holding a mini Christmas tree.

Reindeer wait atop of the roof as Santa climbs into the Chimney. He is carrying a giant bag of toys and there is snow on the roof.

Santa Claus is wearing his iconic red suit and cap. He is taking a stroll through very deep snow. He is carrying a large, overflowing bag of gifts on his back as he treks through the snow. A small town is just visible in the distance, as if that is…
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