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Santa Claus, dressed in his traditional red suit, is seated on a bench that is pulled up to his desk. He has a long curved pipe in his mouth and his glasses on while he reads a sheaf of papers. There are more scattered on the desk and there is a…

Santa Claus is dressed in his red suit, smoking a pipe and holding open a large blank book with his golden-gloved hands. "A Merry Christmas to you all" is printed along the bottom.

Santa Claus is dressed in a red coat and a hat with a tassel. He is grinning with his teeth, somewhat disturbingly, and holds a pipe in his green-gloved hand. "A Merry Christmas to you" is printed to the lower right of the card.

The main scene of the card shows Santa Claus smoking a golden pipe with a holly decoration along the bottom and "A Christmas Reverie" printed to the middle right. In the smoke from his pipe, there is a scene of two blonde-haired children, a boy and a…

The card shows a head-and-shoulders view of Santa Claus; he is wearing a red coat and hat with a blue tassel. Smoke rises from the pipe he has in his mouth. "Christmas Greetings" is printed along the bottom.

The card shows a head-and-shoulders view of Santa Claus in a dark red coat with a holly sprig on his hat. He is smoking a curved pipe. Printed along the top is "A Christmas Greeting."

Santa Claus is dressed in a hooded red coat, smoking a long-stemmed pipe while carrying toys in his arms and on his back. The toys include dolls, instruments, a book, and a teddy bear. "A Merry Christmas" is printed along the top.

The card shows a head view of Santa Claus with a pipe in his mouth. There are toys behind him. "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the top and at the bottom is the poem, "We're here again with / The same old Smile, / To give good Cheer, / In the same…

Santa Claus is pictured inside a golden bell that is decorated with holly; he is smoking a pipe while stuffing a jewelry box into a gray stocking. The bell reads "A Merry Xmas" at its top and "Sister's Delight" near the bottom. The card's background…

Santa Claus is smoking while stuffing a necklace into a white stocking. he is pictured on an upside-down bell. The card's background shows a sunset behind a house in a snowy field. The bell reads "Mama's Delight" and "A Merry Christmas" is printed at…
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