Loras Digital Collections

Browse Items (3180 total)

Nine men are seen posing around completed millwork items. Stacked on several carts are doors, drawers, columns and molding pieces. Prominent in the image are the large beams supporting the warehouse ceiling. An ascending stairway, electric wiring and…

Three men are posing near a large engine in the engine room of the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Company. Large turbine blades are visible behind the man in the foreground of the photograph. No number has been written on the emulsion side of the…

Two men stand, pressing partially finished clothing, at a table on sawhorses in the foreground, while a man and 3 women sit at tables and sewing machines in the back of a workroom in Fred Doerrmann’s tailor shop. Both sewing machines appear to be…

Two men are seated in an underground passage in a cave. One man appears to be sitting on a ledge, with the other seated below him. Many stalactites of various lengths may be seen hanging from the roof of the cave. The number 2202 is written on a…

A woman, perhaps in her twenties, is standing between two counters in a soda fountain store. Her reflection may be seen in the mirror behind the back counter. She is dressed in a long sleeved, dark dress with a large white collar, white cuffs and a…

In this view of a corner of the office of Mullen Brothers plumbing shop, three men are standing near two doorways in the rear of the office. A fourth man is standing near a desk, and another man is seated at a desk looking at some documents. Two…

In this postcard, a man with war-tattered clothing is seen holding down people with his foot with a knife raised high above his head as if he is about to hit the man on the ground. Around the man with the knife, there are many more people lying on…

This is a birthday postcard that has kittens falling out of a wicker basket. This basket is full of pink roses and has a letter on top of it. At the top left corner of this card, the text "Birthday Greetings" is written.

In this postcard, a brown bear with a red bow on its neck is seen hold a wicker basket full of flowers. The bear is standing in the doorway or a room that is front of a grassy field with trees.
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