Loras Digital Collections

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St.Nicholas is the primary figure along with two boys and a girl as the secondary figures. The Major colors include: red for the background, black, silver and gold. All the children are in complete black and St. Nicholas has a mixer of black, gold,…

St. Nicholas is the primary figure while an angel is off to the side as the secondary figure. St. Nicholas is all in white for clothing. The only colors within this postcard is red, black and white. Major objects of importance would include: St.…

St. Nicholas wearing red and white, holding golden staff in left hand and gold bible with apples in right. Wearing white spotted cape with red on the inside.

St. Nicholas in gold with his left arm outstretched, looking that way. Holding a golden staff in his right hand. Looking in the direction of his hand. Wearing pinkish neck cloth.

St. Nicholas with bag and staff, in grayscale, looking in window lined with shoes. Bird landing on bag and birds on tree branch. St. Nicholas facing to the right holding his staff and an apple.

This postcard is oriented vertically and has an off-white background. In the center of the postcard is Santa Claus wearing a red coat and hat with white fur trim and white gloves. On his back and over his left shoulder is a brown bag full of toys,…

This postcard is oriented vertically and has a white background. In the center of the card, Santa Claus wears a red robe and hat with pale blue trim and also wears red gloves. He has a long white beard, but no mustache on his more youthful face and a…

This postcard is oriented vertically and has a white background with a 3D imprint border around all sides. In the center of the card is a woman dressed in a red coat with grey fur trim around the neck, chest, hem, and cuffs. She wears a blue cap and…

Krampus is seen dumping children into a hole with flames.

A child and Krampus are seen walking at the opening of Hell. There are children seen below the opening as well.
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