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Father Christmas is wearing a red coat and round hat. He is placing a nutcracker on a table under a lighted tree that he has taken out of his bag of toys. The card is decorated with holly, candles, and stars; "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the…

Father Christmas is carrying a doll in one arm and a potted Christmas tree in the other. It and the card are decorated in candles, holly and stars. "A Happy Christmas" is printed at the bottom.

Father Christmas is dressed in a red coat and pointed hat. He has a doll in his arm and more toys in a satchel at his side. He is pointed to a white piece of paper he holds in his hand. There is a tree in the back right and candles around the holly…

Santa Claus is using a walking stick as he carries a bag on his back. There is a holly decoration to the left of his frame and a holly border on the card.

Santa Claus is dressed in a dark red coat and hat and carrying a bag of toys, on which a jester doll perches. He is framed in a golden bell outline decorated in holly, and the card also has a holly border.

Santa Claus is dressed in a red coat and hat and carrying a decorated bundle of sticks. A holly decoration goes up the left edge of the circular frame of the inset. The card's background is dark green, and the card is also bordered in holly.

St. Nicholas is wearing a round fur hat and carrying a round-topped walking stick as well as bag of toys over his arm. He is holding up a female doll which moves on a stick. There are clovers decorating the top and flowers decorating the bottom of…

Santa Claus' face is framed by a golden horseshoe and holly. The poem below reads, "Good luck to you / is my wish sincere, / May your heart be filled / with Xmas cheer."

Santa Claus has a red cap on his head. His face is framed by a golden horseshoe and holly. The poem below reads: "A Christmas wish / from a loving heart, / That good luck and you / may never part."

Santa Claus is carrying a walking stick and bag of toys; he is set in the card in a heart-shaped frame with stars in the background. The rest of the card is cream with holly decorations and printed at the bottom is "Merry Christmas."
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