Father Christmas is sitting in an armchair in somebody's living room. He is wearing a long red robe and brown cap. An angel with long fair hair, white wings, and a long white dress is leaning over, whispering in his ear. The top portion of the image…
In the center of the card, inset into a bell-shape, Father Christmas in a hooded brown coat is listening to a young angel's whispers. The background of the card includes evergreen, pine cones, and a band of blue stars on a pink background. "A Merry…
A blonde-haired angel in a pink dress with long white wings is the central focus of the card. It is holding an armful of white flowers on long stems and has a small star over its head. "Easter Greeting" is printed in purple at the bottom.
A blonde-haired angel dressed in red-gold and green with red-gold wings holds a harp-like instrument. It is bordered by holly and the lower right reads "A happy Christmas."
A white-robed angel with light pink wings and a crown of holly is holding the ends of a holly branch in both hands and toys in its robe. There is a star overhead. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the upper left.
An angel clothed in red with peacock-feather wings is playing an s-shaped horn or trumpet. It is surrounded by holly and printed to the right is "May you have a Joyous Christmas."
A white-robed, blonde-haired angel with wings extended is standing on a cloud and highlighted by a red background. It has a long staff with a shining star at the top. Near its feet are yellow and orange flowers, a ribbon, and the greeting "A Merry…
On the left side of the card stands a blonde-haired figure in pale pink, surrounded by stars as well as rays of light and with an evergreen branch in one upraised arm. The person could be either Jesus or an angel. On the right, there is a cluster of…
Jesus has been taken down from the cross. Wearing only a white cloth, he is laid in his mother Mary's lap; she is dressed in blue. To the left are three women with angel wings. The background of the card is a stunning sunset; cast aside on the ground…
Smiling, a brown-coated Father Christmas is carrying a bag on his back. Crawling down it and flying off it are four small angels, carrying toys and treats. A shooting star is overhead, and "Herzlichen Weihnachts" is printed at the bottom with a…