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A bear dressed like Father Christmas n a pink coat and hat with a sack over his shoulder and a shepherd's cane. He is approaching a young girl who is asleep on a blue chair in front of a fireplace with a clock on the mantle.

“In 1902 the Catholics were numerous enough to buy the vacant Methodist Church in Little Turkey for $500 and Fathers John Broz and Peter Kloss blessed it. Father Joseph Dostal, pastor of Spillville and brother to the two Dostal founders, celebrated…

"Sylvia, where the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located, was first called Sylvia, which is Latin for “the woods.” When the narrow gauge railroad came to the little town in 1879, it became Sylvia Switch, and was sometimes…

"The oldest Catholic parish in Howard County began with four families from Canada with the family names of Christmas, Hannigan, Ryan and Welsh. At first priests from Prairie du Chien came to serve them, but in 1853 Father Clement Lowery from Decorah…

Inside a manger full of hay and straw, baby Jesus, wrapped in a cloth, is seen clutching a few small branches of holly. This portrait of baby Jesus is ornamented with two branches of holly that bear holly berries. Above the picture, among two more…

Baby Jesus sits upright in a manger with a gleam around his head. While he is sitting up, he has one of his arms raised and the other resting on a baby goat. In the background there are bricks walls, and in the t=distance are trees and land.

In a wooden manger with straw, baby Jesus, with a bright gleam around his head, sits upright with his arms raised towards heaven. Beside the manger a bowl of fruit and a goat lay.

Baby Jesus is seen sitting upright in a manger with outstretched arms. Among him are the three wise men's gifts that were given to Jesus upon his birth. In the distance, one can see the landscape of where Jesus was born, Bethlehem.

Baby Jesus, closer to a toddler than a newborn, is sitting upright in a manger of straw, clothed in white and holding a flower. Three angels are behind him, in purple, red, and green, holding a ribbon banner that says "Gloria in Excelsis Deo Et in…

A haloed child, likely Jesus, rides on Father Christmas' right shoulder. Father Christmas himself is wearing a long tan coat and spiked crown while carrying a tree as a walking stick. There is a deer beside them and a forest of trees in the…
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