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“Having observed the westward growth of Waterloo, Archbishop Henry P. Rohlman announced in 1947 the founding of a new parish in Waterloo to be called Blessed Sacrament. He appointed Father Louis A. Putz as pastor and temporary chaplain of Saint…

The card features Mary, dressed in red and blue, holding the baby Jesus. Both have halos over their blonde hair. The background is a hill scene with blue-gray sky.

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Santa Claus with a blue outfit has a bag of toys on his back. He's in a misty outline, flanked by pine cones and holly leaves. The background is white.

In the upper portion of the card is an inset of a large black and red ship at sea; next to it is a tall lamppost. The card reads ""Remembrance" from the Dear Old Home at Xmas / Across the boundless ocean / on this joyous Christmas day / comes a…

The card features two children, a boy in yellow and a girl in green, who are sitting and reading from a book. Their clothes are open in the back so their behinds are bare. There are two more books to the right of the card, and the greeting at the top…

The card features a brown-haired boy in blue and a red-haired girl in yellow. The boy is seated on a rock while the girl stands; his is offering her something, presumably butter. The path they are on winds back to a house in the background right.…

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