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Santa Claus Looks over Back of Sleigh
His reindeer has pulled Santa Claus' green and red sleigh to a stop outside a house. Santa Claus is standing beside it with a tree over his shoulder, facing backwards and looking at the brown snow-covered house. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the…
Tags: animal, Christmas tree, house, reindeer, Santa Claus, sleigh
Reindeer Flying Santa Claus in Sleigh
The card shows two antlered reindeer flying Santa Claus' sleigh over a scene of mountains and a lone house. Golden light shines from behind them. Santa is dressed in a red suit and has a tree behind him in the sleigh. The card reads "A Merry…
Santa Claus Crashes Sleigh
The card shows Santa Claus standing in the snow, holding a possibly injured arm, while he observes his overturned sleigh and reindeer running off into the woods. The sleigh is tipped on its side and a myriad of toys are spilling onto the ground -…
Tags: broken, fallen down, reindeer, Santa Claus, sleigh, toys
Santa Claus Flies Over Town in Sleigh
Santa Claus is riding in a golden sleigh, packed with toys and a tree, that is being flown through the air by four reindeer. With the moon and starry sky behind them, they pass over a town of houses and churches. "Christmas Greetings" is printed on…
Reindeer Swiftly Pull Santa Claus' Sleigh
Santa Claus is seated in a red sleigh with toys and holly behind him. It is being swiftly pulled over the snow by four antlered reindeer. "Wishing You a Happy Christmas" is printed at the top and there is handwriting along the right edge.
Tags: animals, handwriting, reindeer, Santa Claus, sleigh, toys
Santa Claus Drives Sleigh
Santa Claus, dressed in a red suit trimmed in dark fur, is seated in a golden sleigh lined with white fur. Around and behind him are toys and a bag of more toys. He is flicking a whip to urge on the reindeer pulling his sleigh across the snowy…
Tags: animal, bag, bag of toys, hills, reindeer, Santa Claus, sleigh, whip
Father Christmas Stands By Reindeer
The card shows Father Christmas in a long red coat by a large, antlered reindeer, both facing the viewer. Father Christmas has a bag of apples at his side and carries a walking stick. The reindeer is pulling a green and red sleigh with toys and a…
Santa Claus Directs Reindeer
Santa Claus is wearing a red suit and appears to be addressing his two reindeer. One is rearing its head while the other stands quietly. In front of them is a blue sleigh decorated with holly and the words "A Merry Christmas". The background of the…
Santa Claus Leads Reindeer with Sled
Inset in the upper portion of the card is an oval depicting Santa Claus leading a reindeer which is pulling a sled. Santa is dressed in a long red coat and uses a tree branch as a walking stick. The antlered reindeer is attached to a harness to pull…
Tags: animal, holly, reindeer, Santa Claus, sled
Santa Claus Driving Sleigh
Santa Claus, dressed in a hooded red coat, is holding the reigns of a gray sleigh while it's being pulled by a reindeer. Behind him are toys and a tree; in front of them is a house set in the mountains at sunset. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the…