Six men at work in a storage room at the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Co. A Sign above the door reads: 'ATTENTION! FIRE ALARM CALLS. ONE Whistle—Bottle House, TWO “ —BARN, THREE “ —Wash House, FOUR “ —Mill House & Machine Room, Five “…
Four men work bottling soda water at Chris E. Kleis Company, 445 9th Street. The number “79” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is visible in the upper right corner of the picture. No number is written in the upper left…
Ed Lusch sits at a desk behind a cashier’s window and Maurice Brown stands at right in the Iowa Trust and Savings Bank on the first floor of the B & I Building. Maurice Brown also appears in KL 145-052. The number “249” has been written on the…
Pictured, from left to right, are Harlan G. Melcheor, Joel F. Nelson, George F. Jansen, Maurice Brown and Carl F. Kleinschmidt in the Iowa Trust and Savings Bank, located on the 1st floor of the B & I Building. Maurice Brown, the bank…
A man works at a roll-top desk in an unidentified office in the B & I Building. A framed picture of the Coliseum hangs from a picture rail behind the desk. A June, 1912 calendar hangs above the desk. The negative has been heavily damaged by moisture.…
A man works at a desk in an unidentified office in the B & I Building. There is a framed Red Star Line poster on the wall at left, and a June, 1912 calendar above the desk at right. No number has been written on the emulsion side of the negative in…
A woman sits at a desk in an unidentified office in the B & I Building. There are 3 rocking chairs, 2 straight back chairs, a dressing table with a mirror, and an ornate table in the room. No number has been written on the emulsion side of the…
A woman (also seen in KL 140-255) and two men work in a large Standard Oil Company office, rooms 201-202 in the B & I Building. Photo KL 140-255 pictures the first part of this office. A June, 1912 calendar hangs on the back wall. The number…
Seven men and one woman work in a large Standard Oil Company office, rooms 201-202 in the B & I Building. Photo KL 141-264 pictures the second part of this office. A day calendar reading, “Monday, June 10” hangs from a pillar at right. Through…
A bearded man works at a table in a large, unidentified office in the B & I Building. There is a roll-top desk behind him. Hanging from a picture rail on the back wall is a map of Iowa with pins covering the northeast part of the state. A June, 1912…