Santa Claus in a long red coat and hat is pulling a large doll out of his overflowing bag of toys to set under the lighted and decorated tree. On the floor are other toys, including an elephant, wagon, and rocking horse. On the wall behind him is a…
The upper part of the card is shaded to appear dark. It features a little blonde-haired boy in blue whose pajamas leave his behind bare. There is a toy horse on the floor. The text at the bottom reads "I'm not afraid in the / dark / I'ts a little…
A child is dressed in a blue sailor's outfit with white cap and black boots. They carry a white book under one arm and a bouquet of colorful flowers in the other. Printed at the top is "A Jolly Xmas." Below that, "Happy may the Chrsitmas find you.…
Father Christmas is wearing his iconic long red robe. His hood is up over his head and only his back and the back of his head are visible to the viewer of the image. Father Christmas is standing outside of the home of a pair of young children. He is…
Father Christmas is wearing his iconic long red robe. His hood is up over his head and only his back and the back of his head are visible to the viewer of the image. Father Christmas is standing outside of the home of a pair of young children. He is…
The central inset depicts a snowy scene. Two figures carrying bundles of sticks are coming down a snowy path. There is a fence, house, and trees leading to water in the background. The details around the scene are intricately patterned lines and…
Santa Claus, with a long white beard and red clothing, is pictured on the bottom part of the card, in front of a door. He is carrying a bag of toys over his left shoulder and is holding the pointer finger of his right hand to his lips. Above him,…
Father Christmas and two children are featured on the card, rendered in a realistic style. Father Christmas, wearing a dull green robe and fur-lined cap, is seated on a chair with an empty brown bag and a branch in his lap. He's holding the hand of…
The card's main scene, which is in black and white, depicts two children building a snowman that looks like Father Christmas. The boy is shoveling snow while the girl puts a garland of holly around the snowman's neck. There are evergreen trees and a…