Loras Digital Collections

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This image is of a two-room office suite. The rooms are separated by a window and a door. One secretary is seated in the rear room and looking through the window at the camera. In the front room, a businessman is sitting at a table facing the…

A gentleman identified as agent Carl Kiesele is seated at a table near a window in a narrow office. On one end of the room is a microphone, switches and other devices for announcing train arrivals and departures. Behind Mr. Kiesele is a wooden…

Two men, one of whom may be Paul Strelau, are standing and seated at a waist-high, double-sided worktable, with an angled writing surface. Ledgers and a telephone are on the table. A doorway and two open pass-through windows to interior rooms are…

A young man is seated behind a waist high counter in this plainly furnished office. He is posing with a ledger and is holding a pencil. Visible on the desk are a telephone, stamps, an ink well and a small, rectangular metal object containing three…

Eight men and one woman are posing at desks and tables in a large, plainly furnished office. The woman appears ready to take dictation. On a table behind the woman is a large, empty, bookbinding press. A telephone and piles of papers and ledgers are…

Holding several papers, a man is seated at a desk placed near corner windows in an office, probably that of the Coates & Robinson Insurance Company. The spine of a book titled "Carr Ryder Adams Co. 1911-12" is visible standing upright in a cubbyhole…

Mr. Weihe, owner of F. H. Weihe & Company, is seated at his large desk. The desktop is covered with papers and an ink well. Various sizes of desk file drawers and cubbyholes are visible. A telephone has been placed on the top of the desk. A metal box…

Six employees, four women and two men, are at work at their desks in this brightly-lit office illuminated by four tall windows and a skylight. Two electric calculating machines are placed near the desks. The floor is of a light-colored wood. A…

In a narrow warehouse space equipped to serve as a shipping room, three men are posing near rolling wooden carts, stacks of wicker baskets, piles of boxes and rolls of paper-wrapped merchandise. One stack of boxes is labeled “Tanglefoot Fly…

A man is seated beside a large desk. A telephone, papers and several stamps are on the desk. Attached to the upper frame of the desk is a day calendar for "MON 10 JUN" advertising “Coates & Robinson Insurance and Surety Bonds Dubuque, Iowa.” Two…
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