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A small scene is inset into the right center of the card depicting a river and a house at sunrise or sunset. The background of the card is brown and gold, with holly decorations. Printed to the left is "A merry Christmas."

Inside a circular inset, seven angels in different colored robes stand, sing, and play instruments. It is bordered by a bright floral pattern on a red background; the flowers and leaves are red, blue, green, and yellow. There is a yellow border at…

There are two ringing, golden bells suspended from a vine of holly and ribbon in the center of the card. Beneath them is printed "Christmas Greetings".

The central image of the card is bells with some sort of greenery around them. "Christmas Greetings" is printed at the bottom.

The card features a white mother cat with three kittens - two orange and one black - resting on a blue pillow. There is a sprig of holly in the upper right corner and "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the uppermost left.

Inset in the middle of the card is a scene of two cats and a kitten. One black and white cat is laying on a short wall; it is playing a horn. Another striped orange cat sits, playing the violin. Finally, a small kitten stands in the corner. Around…

The card has a thick brown border; the background of teh center is cream. It depicts a bouquet of Christmas greenery with the words "Merry Christmas!" in the upper right. At the bottom is a poem reading "Oh thou should be the..." with the remaining…

"Christmas Greeting" is printed near the bottom of the card in red and green. The rest of the card is sparsely decorated with a few vines and clusters of holly along with one wreath.

Printed near the center of the card in red is "A Happy Christmas Song". There is a large cluster of holly berries and leaves in the lower left and a smaller one in the upper right.

In the center of the card is a small inset depicting a snowy field and then some buildings of a town. It is bordered by holly and line designs. "Best Wishes A Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom.
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