Loras Digital Collections

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Two men dressed in overalls, long sleeved shirts and caps, are standing in front of a large machine. A flat piece of metal appears to have just been pressed into a large, corrugated sheet. Numbers in white paint or chalk are visible on various parts…

A female supervisor or teacher and six young women are posing in a cramped workroom. The women are wearing dresses of various styles, however all of the dresses have either jewel or high necklines, long skirts and either three-quarter or long…

Six men holding shovels and other tools are standing around a metal tray that is resting on a large block. Hot coals are being shoveled onto the tray. Some of the coals are glowing, and steam and smoke are rising from the tray and into a large hood…

One man, dressed in long-sleeved shirt, overalls and cap stands behind a large, belt-driven machine. Beside this gentleman is an oblong tank to which are attached various sized pipes and valves with circular adjusting handles. The pipes lead from the…

Three men, one of whom is holding a cigar, are standing at a bar, drinking glasses of beer. They are dressed in suits and bowler hats. The bartender, dressed in a long-sleeved white shirt, tie and apron, is standing behind the bar and in front of a…

A long, light colored, marble counter dominates this image. On one end may be seen a large selection of desserts including cake slices, pies, and the feature of the day, for ten cents - “Strawberry Shortcake with Whipped Cream,” and “served in…

A bartender, dressed in a long-sleeved white shirt, dark vest, tie, and with a white apron wrapped around his waist, is standing behind a long bar, and in front of another counter. On the floor in front of the bar is a spittoon, and to the left of…

Twelve male workers and one male supervisor are shown standing among wooden molds and other equipment used in a foundry. The workers are dressed in work pants or overalls, suspenders and long sleeved shirts rolled up to the elbow. Most of the men are…

This image is of a long, narrow room. Three barbers are standing behind their metal barber’s chairs, each of which is occupied by a man draped in a large, white cloth. Behind the chairs are porcelain sinks and wall-mounted shelves. On top of the…

Two men, one seated at a large desk and the other leaning on a counter, are looking at the photographer. Each man is wearing a long-sleeved, light-colored shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows, a tie and slacks. One man is wearing a hat. On the…
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