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Father Christmas in a blueish-green suit is holding a package and aback of toys. In the background is a Christmas tree with several candles hung on it. He's staring.

A smiling Santa Claus holding a doll with a bag of toys on his back. He is standing over a little girl asleep in her bed. On one of the bedposts is hung a stocking.

Father Christmas in a green suit carrying a Christmas tree and toys walks down a snowy road. There is a cottage with a fence in the background, as well as some trees.

Santa Claus is standing on a wrapped present and lighting a Victorian-style lamppost. It is snowing, and there is a lantern in the snow beside him. Holly leaves decorate the post.

Saint Nicholas in a red outfit and an elf ride on a flying white horse with a bag of toys. it is snowing, and there is a line of rooftops below them.

Santa Claus sleeping in a chair beside a fireplace. On the floor next to him are a pair of boots and several paper notes. Two elves are sitting on the mantle above beside a calendar that reads December 25.

A snowman bats a snowball with an umbrella as he plays cricket with two brown teddy bears in the woods. It's snowing, and Santa Claus is there, just watching.

Santa Claus is sorting through his list on a workbench. all around are an assortment of toys: teddy bears, trains, a doll house, all being made by tiny elves. One elf is flying a toy airplane. On the wall behind Santa is a calendar marking the dateā€¦

Santa Claus bent over with a bag of toys on his back. There is a green background.

Father Christmas in a red robe holds a piece of parchment and a pen. He has a large key on his belt. Around him, little cupid-like beings gather toys and things in front of an arched doorway.
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