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On the right side of the card, a woman's head and shoulders are pictured inside a red heart. She has brown hair and is wearing a green bonnet. Cupid is to the left, with wings and a bow and arrow, wearing a pink robe. The card is heavily decorated…

Cupid, with golden hair, white wings, and a red cloth wrapped around him, is delivering a red heart valentine into a white mailbox. There are flowers around him and trees in the background. "To My Valentine" is printed in white at the bottom of the…

The card has a vivid patterned red background with heart decorations. Printed in the center is a white heart with flower vines and Cupid, not wearing any clothing. He has on a gray hat with green band and a sling of arrows while he plays the harp.…

The card is done in bold dark colors, making it hard to tell if Santa Claus is frowning or smiling behind his beard. He is wearing a red coat and hat that is trimmed with black fur, and his hair is more gray than white. "Xmas Greetings" is printed at…

Hanging from a pink ribbon is a cluster of holly and a golden bell decorated with white flowers that have yellow centers. "With Christmas Greetings" is printed below, and there is a handwritten signature in the lower right.

The main scene of the card shows tow dogs playing in the snow. There are holly decorations and blue ornamentation along the top and right sides of the card, and an inset of Santa Claus in the upper right corner. Printed at the bottom is the message…
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