A large, glass-front display case with various sized boxes, pamphlets and rows of tools used in the practice of dentistry dominates this image. Another case filled with bottles is also visible. A woman, seated, is partially visible behind an…
Two men are standing in front of a display of canned goods and coffee packaged in bags, sacks and cans. One man is holding a package of coffee as if he is demonstrating the quality of the product to the other gentleman. A wire rack with six bins is…
The office appears to be quite small. Pressed tin covers the upper walls and ceiling. The lower walls are of wainscoting. A buzzer is visible on the back wall. An electric light hangs down on a cord from the ceiling. Two office workers are visible. A…
Dr. Martha A. McCullough, MD, is seated at a large roll-top desk reading a large book. A telephone, books and papers are visible on the desk. Medical supplies and filled glass bottles are stored in a glass-enclosed shelving unit. A small table with…
A woman, perhaps in her twenties, is standing between two counters in a soda fountain store. Her reflection may be seen in the mirror behind the back counter. She is dressed in a long sleeved, dark dress with a large white collar, white cuffs and a…
Three men are posing at their workstations in a printing shop. A platen jobbing press can be seen in the foreground. A supervisor, dressed in suit and tie, is visible in the background. The number "208" has been written on the emulsion side of the…
Operating room at Mercy Hospital, Dubuque, Iowa. Seated is Dr. Mathias J. Moes. Standing are Dr. John B. Heles and Dr. William L. Becker. Also present are another man, a female nurse and a female aide. All are in street clothes covered by white…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red hooded coat, walking using a walking stick. On his back he carries a blue bag of toys, and he has a satchel filled with more toys and a small tree. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the upper left and there…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red robe, carrying a bag of toys on his back, dolls at his belt, a Christmas tree in one hand and a basket of mistletoe in the other. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the upper right and the handwritten…