Loras Digital Collections

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Father Christmas, in a long brown coat, is carrying a walking stick, lantern, and bag of toys. Behind him is a young deer. An angel with its back turned toward the viewer carries a tree and points toward the house to the right. It is set among the…

Father Christmas, in a long brown coat, is carrying a walking stick, lantern, and bag of toys. Behind him is a young deer. An angel with its back turned toward the viewer carries a tree and points toward the house to the right. It is set among the…

Father Christmas is seated on a box inside a cave, with a pot over the fire behind him. A deer rests by his side on a bed of straw. In front of him, an angel in white gestures outside, where there is a house with smoke coming out its chimney. "Joyeux…

Near the edge of a snowy field, ten children in white join hands and form a circle around Father Christmas. He is wearing a brown coat and carrying a small evergreen tree upraised in his right hand. In the far background, at the edge of the field,…

Father Christmas in a brown coat stands on the rightmost edge of the card. He is looking at the woman riding a reindeer in front of him. She is wearing a long green dress and has golden hair; above her head is a shining star. The background is a…

Father Christmas is dressed in a hooded brown coat. There is an angel at his side, dressed in white, carrying golden bells. Father Christmas is laden with many toys; there is a full bag on his back as well as one at his side. He also carries a…

In the center of the card, inset into a bell-shape, Father Christmas in a hooded brown coat is listening to a young angel's whispers. The background of the card includes evergreen, pine cones, and a band of blue stars on a pink background. "A Merry…

Father Christmas, in a hooded brown coat, is leaning inside a house's window with a bag and bundle of sticks. Inside, five small angels and cherubs are decorating a Christmas tree and delivering gifts. "A merry Christmas" is printed in the lower…

Father Christmas is dressed in a brown hooded coat, carrying a bag on his back and bundle of branches in his hand. Around him, over ten small angels and cherubs are ready to deliver gifts - including a toy house, fruit, and doll. "A merry Christmas"…

In the center of the card, inset into a bell-shape, Father Christmas in a hooded brown coat is whispering to a young angel in pink, who carries a puppy. The background of the card includes evergreen, pine cones, and a band of blue stars on a pink…
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