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Santa Claus with bags and a tree is walking through the snow towards a village. It is a moonlit night. The format is very card-oriented.

Santa Claus with one bag of toys slung over his shoulder and another mounted on a sled he's pulling behind him is walking across a snowy field. In the background is a frozen lake, across which are some houses and a windmill.

Santa Claus with a bag and walking stick is walking on a path through the woods. He is passing a brown church with a fence around it. There is snow on the ground.

Santa Claus, laden with toys and a Christmas tree, walks beside a singing bird perched on a tree. Ahead is a lighted window, and in the background is a winter landscape with other trees and houses.

Santa Claus with toys and a Christmas tree is standing in the snow. All around him are icicles. It is snowing, and there is a house in the background.

Santa Claus with a bag of toys is approaching a lighted tram car. It is night, the moon is out, and there's a house in the background. The entire scene is ringed with holly leaves.

Santa Claus leans on a fence and gestures to a house way up on a snowy hill. It is night, and the moon and clouds are out.

Santa Claus with a bag of toys is about to enter a chimney on the far left. This is a small image beside the main "Merry Christmas" text. There are holly leaves below and a good deal of empty white space.

Santa Claus with a bag of toys is climbing out of a chimney. there are icy branched behind him and a full yellow moon. Holly leaves cover the text on the right.

Santa Claus with a bag of toys is climbing into a chimney. this is shown through a frosted circle, outside of which two birds sit on a branch. There are also holly leaves and a brown background.
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