This postcard is oriented vertically and has a brown border around all sides. Inside this brown border are alternating white shapes of a bell and a Star of David. Inside this border is an elf holding a smiling piglet and facing a smiling full-grown…
In a forest with a wreath, Santa Claus is seen having a joyful conversation with two elves during Christmastime. On the top right-hand side of the postcard reads "a Merry Christmas".
The card is drawn like the back of an envelope. Where the seal would be is an inset of a house amid a snowy field. To its right is the greeting "A Merry Xmas" and in the upper left is a head and shoulders view of Santa Claus. There are holly and…
Father Christmas' head and face are framed in a design of blue-silver with two holly leaves at the bottom along with the words "A Joyful Christmas." Father Christmas wears a red hood, which is covered with snow and crowned with a band of evergreen.…
The card depicts a Father Christmas dressed in a red-brown hooded robe, crowned with a wreath of evergreen and pine cones. His white beard extends from his face to the bottom of the card and stretches from the right to the left. The upper background…
The main scene of the card is printed in black and white. It shows a family gathered around a lighted and decorated Christmas tree. A man and woman stand to the right, with the woman holding a baby. Another child sits on the floor, and one stands by…
The main scene depicts a family of three headed up a path to go to church; the moon in shining above the trees behind it. A small rectangular inset to the bottom left shows Santa Claus smoking a pipe. The card is decorated in holly and has a band of…