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Father Christmas with a bag of toys is hiking up a snowy slope. There are mountains in the background and holly leaves up above.

Santa Claus Carrying toys and holly leaves is standing in a snowy field. There are houses in the background off to the left, and more holly leaves below.

Santa Claus is walking with a Christmas tree over his shoulder and some dolls in his pocket, Behind him, two children watch. There is snow on the ground, and a village in the background.

Santa Claus with an armful of toys and a Christmas tree. there is no background, and a smokey haze over the upper portion of the image.

Santa Claus with a basket of fruit, a bag of toys, and a Christmas tree stands out in the snow. There is no background, and only light snow on the ground.

Santa Claus with two bags of toys and a Christmas tree is walking along. It is snowing. There is no background, only gray.

Santa Claus is walking with a bag of toys, a basket of dolls, and a Christmas tree. It is snowing. There is a gray background.

Santa Claus is walking with a bag of toys and a Christmas tree. He has a walking stick. It is snowing, There is a gray background.

Santa Claus with a bag of toys, a basket of fruit, and a Christmas tree is walking. It is snowing. There is a gray background.

Santa Claus with a large pack, some toys, and a Christmas tree is walking. The background is entirely red.
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