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"A Merry Christmas" is printed at the center of the card. Above it flies a bird, perhaps a robin; it is brown with a red breast. There is a holly cluster surrounding the greeting and around the edges of the card are white flowers with yellow centers.

A yellow bird with black wings and tail sits on a spindly branch that is mostly bare; yet a few clusters of red and yellow leaves remain. In the background are shadow silhouettes of four more birds, flying or sitting on branches. "Gl[ae]delig jul" is…

A bear sits in a grassy field of blooming pink flowers with four yellow chicks. One is in the grass, another on his knee, a third on his foot, and the fourth on his outstretched paw. In the background is a river and more green trees. "Wishing you a…

A brown-haired girl dressed in pink with a bow in her hair is looking at the red cardinal perched to the right. It is on a branch of blooming white flowers that wraps around the girl.

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A witch wearing a red dress and hat as well as pointy black shoes is riding on a broomstick. A pumpkin with a face is stuck onto the front of it, and she controls it using reins. A frightened black cat with a red ribbon on its tail perches on her…

This card is very busy. In the center, a woman in a long yellow dress and a man in a black suit are passionately kissing. They stand on a red rug, and behind them is a tall red Grandfather clock striking midnight. A poem to their left reads, "When…

A blonde-haired girl is sitting on the ground next to a rosebush. At her side is a white rabbit; she is scratching its ears. On the ground in front of them lies her hat, filled with colorful Easter eggs. Three little yellow chicks are next to it.…

The card, which is blurry, features two children in the middle of a green field. The girl is older and the boy holds her hand; both are blonde and dressed in white and blue. They are looking upwards at a black bird perched on a green fence. "Easter…

The world, with America at the top, is at the bottom of the card. Leaping for joy above it is a man dressed as Uncle Sam with his hat in the air. Above him is an American flag and an eagle, while fireworks explode all around him. "Hurrah!" is printed…

The card is drawn in black and white. To the left is an inset of a woman in a rich fur coat and hat with veil. Near the top of her circle there is a grape vine, and pumpkins are stacked at the bottom. Slightly to teh right is an angel with clasped…
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