Loras Digital Collections

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Santa Claus is shown on the left side of the card; he is smoking a pipe and a bird is perched on his finger. There is a poem to the right which reads, "Merry Christmas / From here to there's an / awful ways, / measured by miles and / nights and days,…

Santa Claus is dressed in a red coat; his face is quite red as well. In one hand he raises a glass as a toast, and in the other is a smoking cigar. There is holly behind him, and in front of him there is an ornate cornucopia-like decoration with an…

Santa Claus is dressed in a long red coat and a brown hat with holly around its rim. He is bent over his back of fruit and toys, which had been resting on his sleigh. The golden sleigh has a figurehead of a bird and royal blue interior. "A Merry…

The upper part of the card pictures Father Christmas in cream and an angel in pink, carrying a Christmas tree, riding in a small blue sleigh. There is a rocking horse in front of them and more toys behind, while an antlered reindeer pulls them along…

The upper part of the card pictures Father Christmas in cream and an angel in pink riding in a small blue sleigh. There is a rocking horse in front of them and more behind, while an antlered reindeer pulls them along the snow. There is a house and…

A tall blonde-haired angel in white with a flower crown is carrying toys in its arms. A much shorter Father Christmas stands behind is, carrying a walking stick, lantern, and tree on his back. There are snow-covered bare trees and branches by them; a…

Father Christmas in a brown coat sans hat is leaning out the window of a hut in the woods. Two children are handing him a letter with a red seal, and he is handing them what appears to be a piece of fruit. A red bird perches on the opened shutter and…

A robin is perched on a bare snowy branch. Below it is a banner proclaiming "Echoes from Bethlehem" and surrounded by holly.

A robin is singing on a snow-covered holly branch on the right side of the card. An inset of a snowy church is slightly off-centered to the left, surrounded by holly. "A happy Christmas" is printed at the top.

In the foreground of the card is a red-breasted robin singing atop a wooden fence covered in holly. In the upper portion of the card, three more robins sit side-by-side on a tree branch with brown leaves. "Christmas Blessings" is printed above them.
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