Loras Digital Collections

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Father Christmas and four children of varying ages are gathered around a lighted and decorated Christmas tree. Father Christmas is dressed in a white coat and red hat, carrying a bag in his hand and a basket of toys on his back. The four children are…

Father Christmas, dressed in a brown hooded robe and carrying a bag and bundle of sticks, stands in a room with three children. Next to him, a boy in blue and a girl in red reach toward the decorated and lighted Christmas tree on the table to the…

Prominent in the background is a tall lighted and decorated Christmas tree with a shining star at the top. In front of it are three children - a boy and two girls. The girl on the far right, next to Father Christmas, is the oldest; she is dressed in…

Father Christmas, dressed in a reddish-brown coat, is handing a doll to a little girl. She is dressed in yellow. Behind her stands a boy, perhaps her brother, with his hand on her back. The oldest child, another girl, stands to the right, dressed in…

Father Christmas, dressed in a hooded brown coat, smiles as he leans toward three waiting children. he is carrying a lighted and decorated tree in his left hand and a basket of treats in his right; there is also a bag of toys on this back with a red…

Father Christmas, pictured in the foreground, is walking down a snowy path. He is dressed in a brown coat and dark brown trousers, carrying a tree over his shoulder along with a bag on his back and satchel at his waist. Behind him, two sledding girls…

Father Christmas, smiling, is looking down through a circular golden window at two children. He is wearing a red coat, a red striped hat, and has long hair and a beard. A blonde-haired girl in pink is seated on a chair, holding the body of a doll on…

The card's scene is a photograph of a mother and five children, all girls, meeting Santa Claus and receiving gifts. Two of the children and the mother are standing, and the other three are seated at a table by a Christmas tree. Santa is dressed in a…

Father Christmas, dressed in a long gray coat and brown fur hat, is distributing gifts to five children inside a house. The oldest girl is in the front, holding her apron open to receive fruit. An older boy stands behind her to the left, and three…

Santa Claus in a red suit holds up a boar's head on a platter. He is following two girls, one in white and one in green, who are carrying candles. "Merry Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom.
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