Loras Digital Collections

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Two girls are next to a table that holds a lighted and decorated Christmas tree; one is standing while the other kneels. An angel with a shining halo is giving them treats; fruit is scattered on the floor. Father Christmas is just entering the room,…

The card shows Father Christmas in a long dark coat with a basket of toys on his back walking on a path outside a village with two little girls. One, dressed in orange, is smiling and carrying a yellow doll. The other, dressed in yellow, is barely…

The card, in black and white, shows Father Christmas in a long dark hooded coat unloading toys and a Christmas tree from his basket on the ground. Two either lifelike dolls or little girls are depicted; one sleeping against a wall and another…

The black-and-white card shows Santa Claus standing tall while four children gather around him, the three to the left with their backs to the viewer. Those two boys and girl are reaching toward Santa Claus, while the little girl to the right with her…

The card shows a black-and-white scene of Father Christmas walking through a snowy woods, carrying a small Christmas tree and a basket of toys on his back. There are three birds flying low to the ground in front of him. Inset to the right is an oval…

In a room at the top of a short staircase, Father Christmas is seated and handing out gifts to children from the basket at his side. There is a large Christmas tree behind him and a painting on the wall. Awaiting presents are seven children - six…

Inset in a circle in the upper right is a head view of Father Christmas, wrapped in a hooded gray coat with a bundle of holly on his back. Below the inset are two golden-haired girls in bright pinkish-red dresses and caps. Although outside in the…

The card's background depicts Father Christmas, dressed in a hooded brown coat and carrying toys and a lantern, approaching a cluster of houses. Inset into the card is another scene - it shows two girls singing or reading from a book while a…

The main scene of the card depicts Father Christmas in a white robe and red hat standing to the right of a Christmas tree. Four children, a boy and an older girl holding two younger girls' hands, stand in front of it. The card is bordered in…

Father Christmas stands slightly behind a lighted and decorated Christmas tree, on the right side of the card. He is wearing a white coat and a red hat, and carries a basket of toys on his back and a satchel of them at his side. In front of the tree,…
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