Loras Digital Collections

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This card is very colorful and busy. In the lower right corner there is an old-fashioned soldier, dressed in a tri-corner hat with a blue and gold coat. He is shooting a musket to create the words "July 4" on a piece of metal, which is already…

In the center of the card is a spinningwheel. Seated at it is a woman in a dress, bonnet and apron. Behind it stands a man in a pilgrim's outfit. "Thanksgivign Day." is printed across the top, and at the bottom, "John Alden and Priscilla."

The card, printed into black and white, is divided into three sections. In the far left is a man in a suit, sitting at his desk using an old-fashioned two-piece telephone. Printed below are the words "HE - There's an awful buzzing and yelling dear…

In the center of the card, a man in a suit and a lady in a pink dress are kissing underneath an umbrella. Above them, a man in red cranes his head and upper body out of a window. The card reads "I discovered a very lovely view here" and has a…
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