Loras Digital Collections

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In black and white, the card depicts a scene that looks like Father Christmas marrying a man and woman, although he may just be presenting them with a gift. He stands behind and above them, in front of a set of windows. The couple stands facing each…

Father Christmas is inset in a circle in the upper right, wearing a hooded white robe and carrying toys and a small tree. The rest of the scene shows a sunset and town in the far distance beyond a field. In the front is a man waiting by a gate in a…

Santa Claus is seen holding two heart portraits with a man and a woman. Underneath the man's portrait is a bushel of holly. Underneath the woman's portrait the phrase "Best Christmas Wishes" can be read.

A young man dressed in a blue coat is helping to guide a reindeer that is pulling a sleigh full of toys. Among them are snowy trees and the glow of the moon reflecting on the snow.

Inset like a portrait is a black-and-white drawing of a man and a woman's head views, looking at each other and smirking. "How you and me" is at the bottom of the portrait, and handwritten on the card is "On one of my busy days. Jack".

The card shows a man with brown hair and a halo seated on the floor. He has a red cloak and animal fur draped half over him, although his chest is bare. He holds a bowl in his right hand and a white object in his left. A cross made of branches is in…

In the center of an open room, a man and woman appear to be beginning a dance. Both are dressed in a French style; the man on the right has a long coat with tights and pointed shoes. The woman wears a long white and green dress with a bustle. The man…

The card is printed in monochrome. It depicts a man and a woman decorating a room in their house for Christmas. The woman is hanging wreaths and the man is hanging stockings by the fireplace. "Xmas Greetings" is printed across the upper right, and…

A brown horse with a white blaze on its face is pulling a small sleigh behind it as it trots down a tree-lined, snow-covered country road. In the sleigh a couple sits, wrapped in winter clothes and furs. Another sleigh is coming up the path behind…

In the foreground is a group of people dressed in brightly-colored clothing. To the left is a woman in a pink dress and blue cloak; a man to the right, dressed in blue and gold, is placing a ring on her finger. Between them, a man dressed perhaps as…
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