Loras Digital Collections

Browse Items (64 total)

Jesus stands with arms outstretched and looking towards heaven. Two men in short wrapped robes are removing his vestments - he wears a red cloak and a white shirt in addition to the crown of thorns. Another soldier with a spear and helmet stands…

Jesus, in red and blue, has fallen to the ground with the cross on top of him. A man in yellow tries to pull him up while a soldier on a horse points onwards and another in the background carries a ladder. Printed at the bottom is "IX. Jesus tombe…

Jesus, dressed in red and white with a crown of thorns and his cross, is consoling four women. Two stand behind him, both in blue - one with her hands clasped above her head. Another woman in green and red with a blonde-haried, white-clothed child…

Jesus, in red and white, kneels on the ground under the weight of his cross. There is a soldier behind him pulling him up, and two men, one of them probably Simon, standing behind him on the other side. "VII. Jesus tombe a terre pour la second fois."…

Jesus in red and white and Simon in yellow are carrying the cross. A soldier in armor with "INRI" on a plaque walks behind them. In the foreground, a woman in green and blue holds a cloth with the imprint of Jesus's face. "VI. Une femme pieuse essuie…

Jesus in red and white is kneeling on the ground under the weight of his cross. Simon the Cyreneen, with white hair and dressed in bright yellow, is helping him lift it. Two women are huddled together in the background, and a soldier carrying a spear…

Alone on a path with wilderness behind them, Jesus stands with his mother. Dressed in red and white, he carries the cross over his shoulder. Mary is dressed in white and burgundy. Both have halos, although Jesus's is more prominent. Printed at the…

Jesus, in a blue robe, red cloak, crown of thorns and halo, has fallen. One soldier in green holds a spear and roughly pulls him up while two others in helmets and armor steady the cross. "III. Jesus tombe sous le poids de sa Croix." is printed at…

This card depicts the second Station of the Cross. Jesus, wearing an elaborate white robe with red cloak, is carrying the cross on his shoulder. One soldier in a blue uniform is assisting, and three other men watch. One holds a whip in his hand, and…

This card depicts the first station of the cross. On the platform of a white stone building with trees in the background stand two men. Jesus, wearing a red cloak around his shoulders, has his hands bound in front of him and wears a crown of thorns.…
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