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Santa Claus stands behind a short wall on which two girls are seated. Between them they hold a large book, which Santa is helping them read. The girl on the right is blonde and dressed in blue; the girl on the left is brunette and dressed in yellow.…

Santa Claus, in a red hooded robe with white trim, has his arms around two girls. The one on the right is blonde and dressed in yellow; she holds a copy of Polly's Dolls magazine. The brunette on the right is in light green and holds a doll in pink.…

The card is backgrounded in off-white curtains; in the middle right Santa Claus parts them to reveal his head and torso. He is dressed in red with a holly crown, and looks to the bottom left corner. There, one blonde-haired girl in pale purple looks…

Santa Claus in red hands a female doll in a car through the holly-wreathed window to two girls inside. One girl is taller, has blonde hair, and is dressed in blue. She supports the brown-haired pink-dressed other girl, who is standing on a chair to…

The card is rendered in a realistic style. A thin Father Christmas with a short red coat and walking stick stands beneath the window of a brick-block house. He has a bag and toys on his back, like a drum and toy horse. Two girls are at the window,…

In the foreground, two girls hide behind a set of white-and-red curtains while they watch Father Christmas at the window. The taller has blonde hair and is dressed in gold; the shorter has brown hair and is dressed in white. Father Christmas is in…

Inside a white room, three girls hold hands and dance around a decorated Christmas tree standing in a pot. In the upper part of the card's background is a window with yellow and green curtains, through which Santa Claus watches them. Outside it is…

Santa Claus stands next to a brick wall. Dressed in red, he has a bag of toys on the ground and is showing two children a selection of dolls. The older girl, in green and a black cap, stands to the right. The younger, in white, is closer to Santa on…

The main scene looks to be viewed through a keyole. In it, a lighted and decorated tree takes up the background right. A man and woman view the central scene from the back left. In the front, a boy rides a rocking horse with a small girl behind him,…

The main scene of the card contains two almost identical girls with blonde curls, dressed in white with blue ribbons on their bonnets. They are kneeling on the ground, sharing a Christmas kiss. They are each holding a pink blossom; in front of them…
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