Loras Digital Collections

Browse Items (21 total)

Father Christmas is playing the trumpet. He is carrying a basket of red and blue toys and there is a Christmas tree behind him.

In the foreground, a mother and daughter are performing a piece of music. The mother, dressed in a pink gown and white apron, plays piano from sheet music. The daughter stands to the right, dressed in a white gown with pink ribbon and holding a red…

The main scene of the card takes place on a plain background; in the upper right there is a circular inset of a snowy scene and house surrounded by holly. The main figures of the card are Father Christmas and his accompanying elf. Father Christmas…

Santa Claus is dressed in his iconic red suit and hat. He is standing in the woods on a snowy night. A large church can be seen in the background, beyond the trees in the woods. Five small angel children stand at Santa's feet, playing and singing…

The card depicts three cats sitting on a sheet of music. Two are reading from it while the third is yowling. A violin and bow are off to the right side. The room is carpeted in green and the wallpaper is floral with pink and yellow flowers. It is…

Inset in the middle of the card is a scene of two cats and a kitten. One black and white cat is laying on a short wall; it is playing a horn. Another striped orange cat sits, playing the violin. Finally, a small kitten stands in the corner. Around…

A blonde-haired figure with white and red feathered wings is playing a many-stringed guitar. The print in the upper right reads "Putto Che Suona La Chitarra" with undistinguishable print afterwards, loosely translated as 'Putto plays the guitar'.

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A crowd of saints, both men and women, with halos either hold musical instruments or look at the many on the ground. The leftmost figure is a man in a green robe and red cloak; he holds a piece of paper and a sword at his side. Next, a woman barely…

A golden-haired, white-robed angel is playing music at a pipe organ. In front of it, two girls - one with blonde hair and one with brown - sing at a podium. There is a lighted Christmas tree to the right and "Best Christmas Wishes" printed at the…

A red-robed angel plays a stringed instrument like a violin on the left side of the card. Printed on the right is "Hark! the heaven of heavens is ringing, Christ the Lord to man is born, Welcome, Welcome, Christmas morn. Rev. Archer Gurney." The…
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