Loras Digital Collections

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The main background of the card is a white brick wall with icicles hanging from the top. There is a small head view of Father Christmas wearing a cap in the upper left, and "Merry Christmas" with a holly decoration printed in the lower right. "A…

Father Christmas is dressed in a white coat with gold polka dots. On his back is a small white bag with the tops of toys visible; as he walks, Father Christmas is slightly hunched over, using his walking stick. "Frohliche Weihnachten" is printed at…

Father Christmas is dressed in a long white coat and a pointed white cap. He has a basket of toys on his back and some at his belt. To the right side of the card, he holds a waist-high snowy evergreen propped on the ground next to him. Behind him is…

The card depicts a woman, probably Mary, holding a fabric-swaddled bundle that is most likely a baby. She is dressed in pure white with a white gown and veil; she also wears a necklace. The bundle is white fabric with gold trim. There is…

St. Nicholas standing outside in the snow, next to building. He is holding a staff with a full sack next to him. Colors include red, black, and white.

German wording on the front bottom.

Krampus is seen in black and white on this postcard. There is German writing and the Krampus is seen with bat-like wings and a rather long tongue.
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