Loras Digital Collections

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Santa Claus in red and brown stands before a shining light that reaches over the mountains in the background. He is carrying a toy ship, car, sword and drum while behind him he pulls a sled with a Christmas tree and bags of toys. There are icicles…

Father Christmas, dressed in a long tan coat and red hat, carries a walking stick in one hand. A doll peeks out from the bag over his shoulder. He is walking toward a snow-covered evergreen branch. Behind him is a door with light shining from it and…

The card is printed in black and white and features a white-robed angel standing amidst the clouds, holding a decorated Christmas tree. A rope ladder next to it ascends into the clouds, from which rays of light shine forth. There are two more angels…

A shining candle dominates the card. The wax is red and it is set in a gold base, which has a pendulum hanging from it; the candle is surrounded by holly. Its flame is orange and has a face drawn into it; the rays of light it throws off are yellow.…

The card is depicting either the Ascension or Transfiguration, but more likely the Ascension. Jesus is above a crowd of people, ascending into the clouds and framed by a golden light. To his left and rigth are two other male figures. Below him is a…

Father Christmas is dressed in a long red robe and cap. He is standing outside somebody's window on a snowy night. A warm, golden light is being emitted from the window as Father Christmas peers into the house. Two small angels with golden wings…

Santa Claus is dressed in his iconic red suit and carrying a bag filled to the brim with gifts on his back. He is following a young fair haired girl as they walk through a snowy neighborhood at night. Santa follows the girl through a gated fence as…
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