Loras Digital Collections

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Santa Claus, in a long red coat, is seated on a bench outside a two-story brown brick house. He is carrying a bag over his shoulder and rests his walking stick between his knees. To the right side of the card is an evergreen, a fence, and a forest.…

Santa Claus, dressed in a long red coat with yellow trim, is seated on a snowy bench with his walking stick in one hand and a bag over his shoulder. He is gazing to the back right of the card, where a two-story brown brick houses has its windows lit.…

Santa Claus, in a green suit with his hat off, sits in a floral chair by the side of a brick fireplace. A cat is curled near his feet, and four stockings of different shapes and colors hang from the mantel. Printed in the lower left is "May peace…

This birthday card features a well-dressed woman riding in an ellegant blue and silver carriage. She is wearing a white frilled dress, pink hat, and yellow boots. On her lap she is holding a basket of flowers and a letter. The card is bordered in…

Krampus is seen sitting with his tongue out and holding sticks and a chain.
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