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Father Christmas Hammer Holly
Father Christmas is in the back left corner, hammering a sprig of holly to the outer wall of a house. On the ground to his left is a bag with toys and more holly. The background is snowy hills extending into the distance with rows of evergreens. In…
Tags: Father Christmas, hills, holly, snowy scene
Father Christmas Pulls Sled
Father Christmas is in the center of the card. He is dressed in a long red hooded robe with a crown of holly. He carries a lantern, walking stick, and bag with apples falling out of it. With his left hand he pulls a sled with holly visible. In a…
Father Christmas Walks Through Snow
Father Christmas is walking toward the viewer through the snow; he is in the midst of taking a step. Dressed in a long red hooded coat, he carries a bag over his right shoulder and a holly-topped walking stick in his left hand. In an oval inset in…
Tags: Father Christmas, holly, snowy scene, village, walking
Father Christmas Stuffs Stocking
Father Christmas is in the forefront of the card, dressed in a long red hooded robe with a crown of holly. His bag lies on the ground behind him. In the crook of his arm he holds a holly-topped walking stick. He is holding a long yellow-and-black…
Tags: apple, Father Christmas, holly, mountains, snowy scene, stockings
Father Christmas in Village
Father Christmas is at the forefront of the card; behind him is a church and snowy village. He is dressed in a long red coat and carries a walking stick in one hand. In his satchel and pocket he carries dolls. The border of the card is silver with…
Tags: church, Father Christmas, holly, snowy scene, village
Father Christmas Walks Through Village
Father Christmas, with a white beard but young face, is dressed in a long red coat while walking through a village. He has toys in his satchel and pocket. The snow-covered village includes brick houses and a church. There is a signature at the bottom…
Tags: church, dolls, Father Christmas, snowy scene, village
Father Christmas Walks Across Bridge
Father Christmas is stopped at the foot of a small brick bridge, looking back toward the viewer over his shoulder. He is dressed in a long red coat and has a bag of toys and evergreen tree on his back. There is a bird perched on the bridge's rail. In…
Tags: bag of toys, bird, bridge, evergreen, Father Christmas, village
Father Christmas Pulls Toy from Bag
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red coat and is pulling out a doll from his overflowing bag, which he has set down in the middle of a lane. At the end of the lane is a large house, with evergreen trees and a fence surrounding it. "Xmas Best…
Tags: bag of toys, doll, Father Christmas, house, woods
Father Christmas By Stream
Father Christmas stands beside a stream, with a bridge and house in the background before a forest. He has on a long red coat and carries a bag, dolls, and drum as well as a walking stick in his left hand. "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the…
Tags: bridge, Father Christmas, house, snowy scene, woods
Santa Claus's Commute
This postcard features an off-white background with the addition of a large circle in the middle of the top portion. The circle is meant to mimic the night sky, featuring a blanket of twinkling stars. Santa Claus is dressed in his iconic red suit,…
Tags: Commute, English, Gifts, Santa Claus, snow