Loras Digital Collections

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Father Christmas knocks on the door of a house. He is wearing a long brownish coat with a red sash and hat, and in one hand is a gift. By his side is a white and brown goat with a bell around its neck and a basket of toys and gifts over his back. …

Father Christmas is hunched over while taking a step in the show. He is wearing a long blue coat with brown trim with a matching hate and a brown bag on his back with a drum and doll sticking out of it. Behind a large tree behind him, someone in…

Father Christmas hunches underneath some branches while trudging through the snow. His coat is purple with spots and brown trim, tied at the waste with a bundle of branches stuck through it. On his back is a bag with a drum and a doll sticking out…

Father Christmas, dressed in a pinkish-red coat and hat, is seated on a snowy tree stump while reaching into his bag. Behind him is an evergreen tree. On the left side of the tree, the faces of two children in white hats and peeking around the…

Father Christmas is dressed in a rich burgundy coat and hat, with a satchel on his left side and a full bag and basket at his feet. He is handing a present to one of three children. The children are sumptuously dressed. One girl is in a red cap and…

Outside amid the swirling snow and trees, Father Christmas stands dressed in a maroon hooded coat with large shoulder bag, hands closed and arms outstretched towards the house on the right. The house is made of wood, and through the one window two…

Father Christmas, dressed in a dark brown hooded coat with white trim, stands at the bottom of a house's steps. His left hand rests on the rail, while in his right he is carrying a tree with a star at the top and a golden horn. He is looking at the…

Father Christmas, dressed in a dark brown hooded coat with white trim, stands at the bottom of a house's steps. His left hand rests on the rail, while in his right he is carrying a tree with a star at the top and a golden horn. He is looking at the…

Father Christmas stands on a home's doorstep reaching into his sack to find gifts for children in the doorway. He wears a long, purple cloak with fur lining, and a brown hood. There is one girl and one boy in the doorway, the girl wearing blue…

Santa Claus sits in the upper left-hand corner with an old-fashioned phone to his ear. He is wearing a red coat and hat with white trim and white gloves. Between him and the woman he is calling is a branch of holly with bright red berries. The…
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