Father Christmas is fighting to cross a river; the water is almost to the top of his black boots. He also wears a long brown hooded coat, which is flying open in the wind. In his right hand he carries a walking staff with a candle on top, and in his…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long white coat and a pointed white cap. He has a basket of toys on his back and some at his belt. To the right side of the card, he holds a waist-high snowy evergreen propped on the ground next to him. Behind him is…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red robe. He has a basket of toys on his back and his arms are full of toys as well. They include a doll, trumpet, sword, and drum. He is standing in front of a rectangle showing a snowy scene. It is framed by…
In the foreground, a mother and daughter are performing a piece of music. The mother, dressed in a pink gown and white apron, plays piano from sheet music. The daughter stands to the right, dressed in a white gown with pink ribbon and holding a red…
Father Christmas in a green robe stands outside his lighted doorway. a small angel-like being delivers to him a note. Above them is a dove, and behind them is a bell and another angel who is reaching for the key on Father Christmas's belt.
Father Christmas is wearing a long red robe and is carrying his bag as a backpack. He is also carrying a Christmas tree in one arm. He is handing a doll to a small child who seems hesitant to take the gift. They are standing in a snowy environment.…
Father Christmas is standing behind a table what has a steaming silver punch bowl on it. In his right hand he raises a golden goblet. The 'legs' of the table say "Christmas" with icicles dangling beneath them, as well as two large ornaments with pink…
Father Christmas, dressed in brown, carries a small tree and bag of toys in one arm. With his other hand, he dangles a joker doll dressed in blue and red for a boy in green, who approaches him with outstretched arms. Two more children are running…
The card has a bright red border with a holly branch in the upper right and "Wishing You a Merry Christmas" across the bottom. In the center, Father Christmas in a crown of holly and green button-down coat shows a jack-in-the-box to a little girl in…