Loras Digital Collections

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Five employees are standing behind a long wooden lunch counter. A male customer is seated on a stool at the end of the counter furthest away from the camera. Condiments and folded napkins placed in tall glasses are visible on the counter. A sign with…

A white haired gentleman is seated at a roll top desk in an office cubicle. By looking through vertical bars of partitions around his desk, he has a view of other offices. The number ” 211 has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and…

Three men pose in the doorways of their wire-enclosed cubicles in this photograph of the interior of an unidentified bank. Also visible is a woman seated at a table. A telephone is may be seen on the table. The number “212” has been written on…

Eight teller windows are visible in this photograph of a larger interior room of the Consolidated National Bank. Each window opening has an arched, iron grate. A male teller may be seen standing at behind one of the openings. A elk head with a large…

Two men are standing near the open doors of a vault in what has been identified as the 2nd National Bank. A wall clock over the vault reads “9:50.” A third man may be seen behind a grate near the vault. Stairs to an upper floor are visible beside…

This interior view is of a long, narrow room in the Healey Hardware and Seed Store. In the left foreground of the photograph is a scale. On top of the scale is a partially obscured sign for the business. The letters “DWARE and SE” are visible.…

In the lower right foreground of the photograph, a man is seated at a desk. He seems to be working with an adding machine that is visible on the desk. A second desk and another work area behind a tall partition are also visible. Coats may be seen…

With his back to the camera, a man may be seen working at a long table in this view of a wholesale grocery storeroom. Stacks of wooden boxes, some labeled “Bull Durham,” are visible along the left wall, as are two handcarts, seen in the right…

Standing near an arch-shaped office window, a man dressed in a double breasted, uniform-style jacket, matching slacks and a white, brimmed cap, looks at the camera. The shape of the window and the faint outline of buildings visible through the upper…

Two men are seated at desks at the rear of a long, narrow office. The gentleman wearing a bowler hat has been identified as Harley Bennett. A narrow work table behind a wire grille is visible on one side of the space. Ledgers are piled on two large,…
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