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Near East Dubuque, Illinois, a steam engine belching black smoke, is emerging from a tunnel which has been constructed through a limestone bluff. The East Dubuque railroad tunnel still exists today. Blasted through the cliffs in 1868, rock from the…

Eugene Traub sits at a roll-top desk in his office at Traub & Felgner Insurance, rooms 401-403 of the B & I Building. The safe, which was open in image KL 102-368, is now closed and the window shade, which was partially open in 102-368, is now pulled…

Emil Felgner sits at a roll-top desk, along with an unidentified man sitting at a table, in the outer office, while Eugene Traub sits in the inner office of the Traub & Felgner Insurance office in rooms 401-403 of the B & I Building. An open safe is…

Three men are standing near tracks in front of the trolley turnaround at the entrance to Union Park in Dubuque, Iowa. A street car filled with passengers may be seen at the terminal. The cupola and roof of a large pavilion are partially visible above…

A motorized vehicle with a double cab appears to be parked waiting to participate in a Sunday School parade. The vehicle is white with two visible doors and a short bed which has been wrapped in white sheeting. Vines have been draped over the…

This image is similar to LO 247, and shows a steam shovel dropping gravel into a large hopper. Two trucks are near the hopper. A Chicago and Geat Western Railroad car is partially visible in the background. Two small sheds may be seen near the…

This image was taken looking east along 17th Street. Two brick churches may be seen at the corner of Iowa Street and 17th Street. The front of the First German Presbyterian Church, at 1684 Iowa street, and the north side of the German Methodist…

A middle aged man and a young man, possibly the photographer, Reverend Loemker, and one of his sons, are seated on the bank of a narrow stream, which is possibly Catfish Creek. Each man is holding a wooden fishing pole, Lines from the poles are…

Two white trucks are visible in this image. In front of the truck may be seen a large sign. Only one of the men holding the sign is entirely visible. The sign reads “SHERRILS SUNDAY SCHOOLS.”

Facing the camera, the four individuals previously pictured in KL 172-251 are seated around a table in the dining room of an unidentified boarding house. The table is set for a meal. This room also appears in photograph KL 169-249. The number…
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