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In this view of a corner of the office of Mullen Brothers plumbing shop, three men are standing near two doorways in the rear of the office. A fourth man is standing near a desk, and another man is seated at a desk looking at some documents. Two…

Two men and one woman are standing near displays of fabric in ornate patterns. One of the men is holding light colored fabric that has been partially unrolled from a long bolt of cloth. Many different types of fabric are visible, either folded and…

Pianos and other instruments are visible in this view of the display room of the Harger & Blish music store. One man is may be seen standing behind a glass display counter. Violins, mandolins, tamborines and clarinets are visible in a glass display…

Two rows of boilers, sinks, steam radiators, toilets, bathtubs and a coal stove are visible in this photograph. Several different shaped mirrors have been placed on the wall over the sinks. One of the photographers is standing near the open door of…

A women wearing a dark colored hat with a long feather is standing at an opening in a screened-partition. Also visible on the side of a counter nearest the photographer, is a man seated at a desk, as well as another woman who is standing near the…

A bearded Richard Herrmann may be seen standing in the crowded show room of the Richard Herrmann & Sons Furniture Store. Round tables, file cabinets, desks, chests with glass doors, and other items may be seen in the photograph. A sign reading “GO…

A bearded Richard Herrmann and another gentleman, possibly one of his sons, are standing in the rear of a large room filled with long rows of chairs, sofas and tables. The number “113” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is…

Two salesmen, possibly Richard Herrmann's sons, are standing behind several wooden tables. Rows of high backed wooden chairs may be seen behind the men. The man with the mustache may also be seen in photograph KL 194-330. Two canvas hammocks are…

Two men are posing in the office area of R. Hermann & Sons furniture store. One man who is wearing a mustache, and who may also be seen in photograph KL 194-300, is standing near a large cash register. The other man is seating at a desk. Large…

Numerous displays of glass and china dishes, vases, and crockery bowls are visible in this crowded show room. A large, four-tiered display of tall vases and urns dominates the foreground of this photo. Light colored boxes may be seen stacked on…
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