Loras Digital Collections

Browse Items (3180 total)

This image was taken after a snow fall, and shows a large, two story house. Part of the home is covered with wood siding. A limestone, two story structure sits at right angles at one side of the frame home. A covered porch with pillars and an…

A man dressed in dark colored overhauls and wearing a hat is standing near several large bunches of bananas that have been hung from the ceiling of a warehouse room. Additional banana bunches are visible in the rear of the space. A wooden barrel may…

A young boy is shown sitting on a pony. The boy and the pony are posing near the bank of a small stream. In the background, an iron bridge crosses the stream. An automobile is visible on the bridge. The number 1369 is written on a label that has been…

A woman sits at a roll-top desk in an unidentified office in the B & I Building. There is a typewriter in front of her and a mimeograph machine on a table behind her. The number “124” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is…

Standing in the center of a small office space, a woman is entering figures into a calculating machine placed on a rolling cart. A lengthy strip of narrow paper extends from the machine toward the floor. Beside her to the right, another woman is…

A large group of boys and women are pictured walking together in a 1932 Sunday School picnic parade. Many of the boys are wearing floppy hats. Some of the women appear to be carrying bibles.

Approximately thirty women, each dressed in a white jumper, dark colored long sleeved blouse and a white cap are pictured walking in this 1932 Sunday School picnic parade.

Four women are seated at a long work table in a warehouse room. One is holding a bag under a small funnel at the base of a large machine. On the side of the machine, above the woman’s head, is a scale enclosed in a metal box with a glass window. …

Four women are sitting at a long wooden work table at the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Company. Numerous, dark glass bottles with label reading “Vimalt the health tonic,” may be seen on the table. The women’s task appears to be to pack the…

Wooden steps built in the 1870's ascend a steep bluff up to the John Rider Wallis home and Madison Park. A portion of this bluff has been stabilized with a stone wall constructed of native limestone. Power poles, electrical lines and several houses…
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