Loras Digital Collections

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A woman and man are seated on the side of a partially submerged steam engine that has tipped over into waters of the Mississippi that have covered tracks near the Dubuque water front. Another woman is standing on the tracks. The engine overturned on…

A woman is standing beside railroad tracks, looking south and shading her eyes as if she is watching for a train. A man can be seen hurrying across the tracks toward the woman. Behind her is the Chicago Burlington & Quincy depot. Across the tracks…

Looking west from Mississippi River level, houses and other buildings may be seen. Small boats are pulled up on the shore near the buildings. The end of the Eagle Point Bridge is just visible up-river (north) of the buildings. The Eagle Point Bluffs…

This image of Lock and Dam Number 11 was taken from Eagle Point, looking east across the Mississippi River. The walls of the lock, visible in the foreground, appear to be almost complete. The roller and tainter gate walls further out in the…

This image shows an east facing view of the Eagle Point Bridge. Two spans of the steel structure and the wooden trestle are visible.

A rocky bluff, known locally as Eagle Point, is visible in this image. The number 1286-1 is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left corner of the slide.

Two boats, a barge, logs, and other debris floating in the water may be seen in this view looking west into the harbor with the Dubuque waterfront in the background. The Mississippi River reached the 18 foot stage on April 13 - the highest in over 28…

Traveling south, a steam boat passes under the Eagle Point Bridge. One of the steel spans, and the wooden trestle which forms the eastern approach to the bridge are also visible. The number 1286-2 is written on a label that has been stuck to the…

Two spans and the wooden trestle of the eastern approach of the steel Eagle Point Bridge are visible. The number 1286 is written on a label that has been stuck to the lower left corner of the slide.

The extensive yards and shops of the Milwaukee Railroad in Dubuque may be seen in the image. No engines are visible, however cars labeled “C & EI” and loaded with what appears to be scrap metal, caboose cars, box cars and tank cars may be seen.…
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